María Eugenia Perojo Arronte
Senior Lecturer, PhD. Departmento de Filología Inglesa; Universidad de Valladolid, Spain.
My main areas of research are British eighteenth-century and Romantic literature and literary theory, with a particular interest in Henry Fielding and S. T. Coleridge. I have also specialised in the Anglo-Hispanic literary and cultural exchange in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Some of my publications in this field are ‘Samuel Taylor Coleridge on Don Quixote’ (Cervantes. Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America, Fall 2014), ‘Coleridge and Spanish Literature’ (Spain in British Romanticism, 1800-1840. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) and ‘Coleridge’s Criticism of the Don Juan Tradition’ (Romanticism, Reaction and Revolution: British Views on Spain 1814-1823. Peter Lang, 2019). I am the co-editor of the journal ES Review. Spanish Journal of English Studies since 2016 and the AEDEAN coordinator of the panel Modern and Contemporary Literature since 2017.

Cristina Flores Moreno
Senior Lecturer, PhD. Departmento de Filologías Modernas (English); Universidad de La Rioja, Spain.
My main research interests include British Romantic literary theory and literature, with a focus on S.T. Coleridge. My book Plastic Intellectual Breeze. The Contribution of Ralph Cudworth to S. T. Coleridge’s Early Poetics of the Symbol (Peter Lang) was published in 2008. Since then, I have been mainly working on the Anglo-Spanish literary connections during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Some of my publications in this line of research are: ‘Contemplative Unamuno: The Presence of S.T. Coleridge’s ‘Musings’ in Miguel de Unamuno’s Poetics’ (Comparative Critical Studies, Edinburgh University Press, 2010); ‘The Reception of William Blake in Spain’ (The Reception of William Blake in Europe. Bloomsbury, 2018); ‘Lope de Vega en el romanticismo inglés; el caso de La hermosura de Angélica en Letters Written During a Short Residence in Spain and Portugal’ (Bulletin of Spanish Studies. Routledge, 2019) (co-authored with J. González). Currently, I am co-editing the scholarly edition of Robert Southey’s Letters Written During a Short Residence in Spain and Portugal (Routledge, forthcoming 2020).
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Sara Medina Calzada
Assistant Lecturer, PhD. Departmento de Filología Inglesa; Universidad de Valladolid, Spain.
My main research interest is in Anglo-Hispanic historical and cultural relations in the nineteenth century and, more particularly, in the reception of British literature in the Hispanic world and the representations of Spain in Romantic Britain. I have researched and published on José Joaquín de Mora’s Anglophilia and his role in the diffusion of British culture in Spain and Spanish America, which was the subject of my Ph.D. dissertation (2017). Recent publications include ‘The Felon King: Ferdinand VII in British Print Culture (1814-1833)’ (Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 2019) and ‘Thomas Moore in the Hispanic World’ (in The Reputations of Thomas Moore: Poetry, Music and Politics, eds. Sarah McCleave and Tríona O’Hanlon, Routledge, 2020).
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Leticia Villamediana González
Senior Teaching Fellow, PhD. School of Modern Languages and Cultures; University of Warwick, UK
My research interests lie in the fields of 18th-Century Spanish literature, culture, and intellectual history; Anglo-Spanish cultural transfers and Spanish periodical press. My recent monograph Anglomanía: la imagen de Inglaterra en la prensa española del siglo XVIII (Woodbridge: Tamesis Books, 2019) explores the notion of anglomania and its reactive phenomenon, anglophobia, offering a contextualised analysis of the transmission, reception and adaptation of British Enlightened ideas and reforms in three different types of Spanish periodicals. I have also recently co-edited a volume on The Configuration of the Spanish Public Sphere: from the Enlightenment to the indignados (New York-Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2019). I contribute to the Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies, reviewing the section of Spanish Studies: Literature, 1700-1823.
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Davinia Rodríguez Ortega
Assistant Lecturer, PhD. Departamento de Filología y Didáctica de la Literatura; Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain
I have an International Doctorate (with Honours) on Hispanic Literature by the University of Navarre, where I held a scholarship within the project “Edición de los autos sacramentales completos de Calderón”, carried out by the research group GRISO. I have published articles and reviews on Spanish Golden Age Drama. I participate in a project directed by Professor Claudia Demattè to publish a critical edition of Pérez de Montalbán’s complete works. I am also an associate member of the research groups GRISO and Texto (at the University of Navarre). My main fields of research are seventeenth-century religious drama (Calderón’s and Lope de Vega’s autos sacramentales), female monastic literature, Golden Age editorial practice and contemporary critical editions of this period.
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Jonathan González Fernández
PhD Candidate, Universidad de La Rioja, Spain.
My doctoral thesis, ‘Writing to Last: Wordsworth’s Poetics of Immortality and the Cult of Romantic Genius’, considers the Romantic preoccupation with posterity, William Wordsworth’s poetics of immortality, and the construction of a textual life-after-death. I am the co-editor of the forthcoming scholarly edition of Robert Southey’s Letters Written During a Short Residence in Spain and Portugal (Routledge, 2020) and have published widely on Wordsworth, Southey, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge in journals such as Romanticism, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, and Romanticism on the Net.
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Ian Haywood
Deputy Head of School of Humanities (Research and Knowledge Exchange); University of Roehampton, UK
Ian Haywood is Professor of English at the University of Roehampton, London, where he is Director of the Centre for Research in Romanticism. He was President of the British Association for Romantic Studies 2015-19, and organises two research networks in ‘Romantic Illustration’ and ‘Anglo-Hispanic Horizons’. He is the author of a ‘trilogy’ of monographs on Romanticism: The Revolution in Popular Literature (2004), Bloody Romanticism (2006) and Romanticism and Caricature (2013). He has also co-edited The Gordon Riots (2012), Spain in British Romanticism (2018) and Romanticism and Illustration (2019). His new book, The Rise of Victorian Caricature, was published by Palgrave in March 2020.
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Tim Fulford
Professor of English; De Montfort University, UK
Professor Fulford’s research lies in the area of literature in the Romantic era, in the contexts of colonialism, exploration, science, landscape, the picturesque, religion. He has published many articles and books on these topics, featuring such writers as William Wordsworth, S. T. Coleridge, Robert Bloomfield, Mary Robinson, William Cowper, Jane Austen and John Clare. Professor Fulford is currently preparing scholarly editions of the letters of Robert Southey and of Humphry Davy. In 2020, his book Wordsworth’s Poetry 1815-45 (Pennsylvania University Press, 2019) won the Robert Penn Warren/Cleanth Brooks Award for Literary Scholarship.
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Diego Saglia
Head of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries. Università di Parma, Italy
I am Professor of English Literature at the University of Parma (Italy) and a substantial part of my research concerns Anglo-Hispanic relations in Romantic-period literature and culture. In this field, I have published a monograph entitled Poetic Castles in Spain: British Romanticism and Figurations of Iberia (2000) and co-edited with Ian Haywood a volume of essays, Spain and British Romanticism 1800-1840 (2018). I have also published several essays on Anglo-Hispanic topics in several edited books and articles in international scholarly journals. I am a member of the steering committee of the ‘Anglo-Hispanic Horizons, 1780s-1840s’ research group, and I sit on the advisory committee of the Byron Museum in Ravenna (Italy). My latest publication is European Literatures in Britain, 1815-1832: Romantic Translations (2019).
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Joselyn Michelle Almeida
Independent scholar
Joselyn Michelle Almeida specializes on the transcultural archive of British and Luso-Hispanic cultures and the relation of global capitalism to slavery and abolition. Her monograph, Reimagining the Transatlantic, 1780-1890 (2011), theorizes the pan-Atlantic as a region of political, material, and cultural interrelations between Britain, Africa, and the non-Anglophone Americas. Almeida is also the editor of Romanticism and the Anglo-Hispanic Imaginary (2010). Her most recent article, “‘Francisco de Miranda,” has just been published in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latino Literature (2020). Almeida’s essays may also be found in journals such as English Literary History, Bulletin for Hispanic and Portuguese Historical Studies, Atlantic Studies, The Byron Journal, Studies in Romanticism, European Romantic Review, The Wordsworth Circle, and various essay collections. She is also the author of a poetry collection in Spanish, Condiciones para el vuelo [Conditions for flight] (2019). Before her current appointment in La Salle Centro Universitario, Madrid, Almeida was Associate Professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where she taught Romanticism and literature of the Age of Revolutions, Atlantic Studies, Classical Reception Studies, and Latino literature. She has been the recipient of grants such as Fulbright, National Endowment for the Humanities grant, and a Mellon Sawyer grant (co-PI).